
COCONUT is a website & app development company, committed to building premium interactive experiences.

Modus Operandi

Creative Coding

At the core, the goal of building websites, software, and digital products in general is to solve a business problem. Our belief is that the resulting solution exists not only in function, but in user-pleasing form as well. Therefore, our approach to building digital products is balanced between both art and science.

User Centric Experiences

Details matter, but not all details are equally important when it comes to the experience of using a website or mobile app. Ultimately, a piece of software is only as good as the humans who use it think it is. For this reason, we focus on refining any detail that involves the look, feel, and overall experience of the application.

Pragmatic Programming

We leverage tools and external dependencies only when they create efficiency in our workflow or yours. Plugins, libraries and components are all great, but many times they do more things than we need, and that comes at a cost. We approach development pragmatically, only leveraging tools that are necessary in order to maximize efficiency while keeping your budget streamlined.


  • Animation, Front-end development, Back-end development, App development, 3D modeling / rendering, Google Analytics.
  • HTML, CSS, SASS, Less, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Node, Swift, Java.
  • MySQL, MongoDB, Redis.
  • Nuxt, Gatsby, NextJS, React, Vue, Laravel, Express, Unity.
  • Craft, Wordpress, Contentful.


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